Sunday, March 27, 2005

Why am i Wasting My Life?

Jerry rammed home a point today. We were talking on the train about what next weekend would entail. I pondered: What was i going to do?

I realised that i didnt have a clue.

Where were the carefully laid out plans that i wanted to do? Where are the goals that i want to achieve in the rest of the year? Not even that, where are the goals i want to achieve for the next month? I had foundered, and lost my direction. Drifting aimlessly across the seas of life.

Its time to take action. Noone is going to prompt me to do anything. Im sick of just letting things happen. Its about time i took my life in my own hands.

1. Set my 1,3,6 month goals.
2 Get a game plan out.
3. Put the plan somewhere i can see everyday.
4. work towards goals.

By the way this is personal, not about my platoon, not about my unit. Just me. Me, me, me. For once.