Sunday, December 17, 2006

If only life was always this fun.
There is something thats bugging me and its pissing me off to the point that i can't truly enjoy myself.

Oh wait i know. its something called RESPONSIBILITY.

Pulling out of hall is starting to become more and more of a reality. It's seriously starting to get irritating. Perhaps freedom is what i seek. My time is precious to me. and having to spend a lot of it engaged in hall activities just doesnt cut it. Or maybe its the freedom to do what i want to do without people telling me that i have to do things for them.

Ironically, the roles i'm being called to play is exactly the ones which i fulfill the best. Organise, call and pull people back to donate their time to the hall.
Bah. The dichotomy of events is just too bizarre. Needless to say, duty will be fulfilled, and then...

we'll see.

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