Monday, November 17, 2008


I managed to catch Avenue Q yesterday, and I must say, it was good. Refreshing, witty, and it brought a new take onto theatre that I didnt quite notice.

Having puppets as a prop on stage brings a whole new dimension to the acting - It's like watching 2 people acting at the same time - but with the same voice. I can't remember who told me about watching the actors faces, but it did bring added nuances to their performance.

The set was... well, classic New York gutter style. Really brings about the feel of the dream of moving to the big city crashing on the shores of reality.

The songs! Oh the songs. Each an instant classic in it's own right. "It sucks to be me", "If you were gay", "Everyone's a little bit racist"... and of course the cheerful little ditty, "The internet is for porn".

Well I thoroughly enjoyed it. Too bad for those who didn't catch it, yesterday was the last day of the run.

Looking forward to many more of these... when I get there. :)

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