Sunday, April 23, 2006

Blackman returns

It seems an age and a half since i last posted. I had decided to give up blogging continuously as it seemed quite a.... well, its not quite what i want to do ya.

But hey, blogging has its perks and associated problems too. Its practically an open journal. What to do with it doesnt stem from the medium. Rather, it is the artist who expresses himself that taints the medium and gives it a bad (or good) name.

But im getting off the point.

Over the last few weeks.....
1. Saw a friend getting married.
2. Chained a friend to a lamppost on his birthday. (Different friend.)
3. Went looking for a job.
4. Found a job. w0000t. Thank you you dirty hor.
5. Unearthed a cache of 70s and 80s music. THANK YOU GOD...
6. Continued on my viewing of 70s show and Family Guy
7. Read Lucifer. Fantastic books. It is a must read.
8. Picked up the Sandman Companion at the library, and decided that Sandman ought to be elevated to literature status.
9. Parking at the army market is a bitch.
10. Its better to be blackie than "sweet chocolate coated banana." Eeeeeew.

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