Friday, February 04, 2005

One week in 6SIR

Hmmm. Honestly i thought i was going to go through shit when i went there. What with all that UIP and back to trainee lifestyle thing going on... honestly i booked in with a mixed bag of emotions, full of uncertainty. But hey, being a trainee is so much more different from being a cadet!

The course we attended this week was quite interesting. A little dry, as we had already learnt some of what was covered, but quite informative. I interacted with a lot of people from really realy different backgrounds. It's still odd to see warrant officers two or three times my age calling me sir. its almost embarassing.

And my god, are those people experienced. There is so much that they have to share and talk about. The first day it seemed like we stepped into a high school reunion. The new officers were really out of place, as the warrants started jabbering and jibing each other out loud in front of the entire course.

Some of them probably know more about the course matter than the instructors assigned to teach. Now thats what i call experience. =)