Monday, January 16, 2006

I cant believe this is my first blog of the new year because...

1. Its already almost 2 weeks into the new year.
2. Its not like i didnt have time to write.
3. So many many things have happened...
4. I ran out of points. (so sue me now!)

1. Improve dress sense.
2. Exercise a little everday.
3. Find my new goal/s in life.
4. Stay in touch with friends.

So... highlights...
Drinking at the cable car bar... (and almost stealing a beer bucket)
Yu Lun's party... (so many old faces again... nice to see you guys)
Joanne's party... (OMG ITS A YACHT!!! and a marriage proposal too. Well, she WAS drunk...)
Mel's party... (One of her friends told her i would make a good boyfriend. A MALE friend. I seem to attract the wrong kind of attraction...)
Zouk again... mambo less crowded now... If you're seeing this, hi sue!
2 weeks on JGL. LAST 2 WEEKS ON JGL!!! W00T!!!
Anime marathon on JGL. 'nuff said.

somehow i realise that life feels a little empty. i wonder... what is missing?
to be continued...

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