Saturday, February 11, 2006

All about Mormons...

Sitting tight at yck station, i was waiting merrily for my bus to come after my driving lesson this morning. Till 2 figures appeared at the corner of my vision.

Dressed in white and black, with a funny brown yellow tie, the two of them approach the station, armed with a little black book and the moral justification of the righteous.


Seriously i wonder how they end up doing this. Do they believe in their religion so strongly that they feel the need to proselytise it in public places? One of them actually stopped me once at an ATM machine... i was quite suspicious about that, was wondering if he was trying to get my atm card number or something. Who knows what could be under that friendly mask and little black book.

Some thoughts about mormons...
1. I wonder how they get people to do the conversion. Maybe its a punishment for all we know. "Hey you, you didnt pray properly today. Go out and don't come back until you convert 3 more hapless Singaporeans."

2. For all we know, it might be a cover for a time share business. "If you come to our church and listen in, we'll promise u that you will cut off 2 years in your liability for a lifetime in hell. Of course, the talk won't last 2 years.It might be a wee bit longer..."

3. Why do they all dress the same? Is it a school uniform or something? Who knows, maybe its a fixed regulation so that people who have been approached before know how to siam them when they see them. "OMG! its the f***ing ugly tie people! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"

4. If they approached Mother Mary about God, would that be sexual harassment?

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