Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My mom tells me im easy to feed. Give me an omelette for dinner everyday and im happy. Upon reflection, i realise, hey thats kind of true. Maybe we all do develop taste for rich food, crave for abalone and sharks fin every now and then. But when it all boils down, it doesnt matter what you eat. As long as its filling.

People often look for many things in life. There will always be high goals and unattainable dreams. Sometimes you reach them, sometimes you don't. Many times the weight of society crashes down on your unfortunate dreams, crushing them beneath the big black boot of reality. Sometimes you learn to throw off the chains and fly, soaring above and beyond what you imagined to be your limit.

Its sad that many of us will never become what we want to become in society. We all have big dreams, and want to make it big. Unfortunately, life is a harsh mistress. We may not always find the strength to pursue our course. Sometimes we may just feel like giving up.

But hey, sometimes its the journey, not the destination that matters.
Its the friends that you make along the way.
Its the lessons you learn about yourself.
Its the pain and suffering that happened to you.
Its the way you know you'll never be the same again.
Life is a journey of self discovery. Everyone will have different experiences. Live life to the fullest, for the next day, you may be gone.

What prompted this musing on such a sombre topic? i dunno. i was on the bus chatting with zhongwei the other day. And i distinctly remember saying to him- not everyone will be able to reach the top.
I was looking at an article on the net the other day, and they stated that universities grade students compared to each other. therefore not everyone will be able to do well, because you have to do better than others.
Frankly i feel its sad that good work cannot just be recognised for its own goodness. In this society, it has to be better than the rest.
But onfortunately, thats the way life is.
Spending an eternity of time jumping to someone elses tune.

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