Saturday, January 22, 2005

Meeting the Family...

Once a year (actually more, but not so often), i get together with the rest of my extended family... Sit down and have a chinese dinner with them, meeting up with the cousins and so on and so forth. And every single time i FORGET to bring a camera. Damn. I have 6 or so cousins, and it is so amazing that all of us look so different, and have different outlooks in life....

Cast of Characters-
1. The tanned, muscular doctor. Damn i'm jealous. He 's got a sports car too.

2. The rugged and well-travelled pilot, recently married. He flies around the world for a living. Whats there not to enjoy about the job?

3. The PSC scholar hippie. Long hair, tattoo and cute girlfriend. The surfer dude of the government bunch. Thinks that getting high on anaesthesia is a funky experience, asked if character 1 had ever given it a try...

Nevertheless to say, it was fun meeting up with them. I'm in that strange transitional phase when i'm not regarded as a kid, but neither am i considered an adult. God it sucks to be in between...

Ah well. One more day to commissioning. hope all that time spent in training was worth it. I would really hate to fall flat on the parade tomorrow.

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