Friday, January 21, 2005

Thank you Thank you Thank you Frank....

GREAT! Finally got some of this black S*** i called a blog changed! At least i managed to add the links and a photo to boot. All thanks to Frank, who taught me how to right-click and "View Source" other people's blogs.

Ok that was a trifle mundane, but after trying it for a couple of weeks without success, one would be grateful for any kind of assistance. Especially since i'm kind of a html idiot. HTML programming for dummies anyone?

Oh God i still have trouble finding a date for my Commissioning Ball... This is highly embarassing. Even my friends are having trouble trying to help me. Is this some kind of conspiracy? I don't think i'm that repulsive. Maybe its the way i asked. Ya i guess it was. Messaging people always seemed kind of a cold way to bring a point across. But what choice did i have? Cadet life is virtually a 0530 to 2230 job. Bah. Blame it on spending life too occupied with doing things, and not socialising enough. Or at least not socialising enough with the right people.

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